The other day I posted a photo of myself from sometime in the '80s just for a lark. It was clicked from a hard copy which by itself didn't look all that interesting. Or maybe I just didn't find it so because it had a painful history attached to it. Whatever. So, it came to me as a big surprise when responses to it were almost immediate. My friends' list is a very short one (147 people only) so when half of that list responded, I was amused. This picture has a fierce history. Let me share. This photograph is reminiscent of an extremely scary and bad phase in my life which was filled with fear, drama, and violence that left me badly shaken for many years after that. Reading all the comments (they were all so lovely) attached to the photo gave me a renewed perspective about life, about people, and myself and reminded me of the gifts I received in my Soul as a result of that rocky phase. I had tapped into raw, unadulterated, pure, Courage I didn't even know ex...