"And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." ~ Anais Nin

A Note to Me: Recovering My Soul. (Pt. 1)

Image may contain: Lavina Olive Jain, sitting, glasses and indoorI have just recently started "A 28-Day Jump-Start Program for Radiant Health and Glorious Vitality" by Denise Linn. This program comes in her book titled "Unlock the Secret Messages of Your Body!" It promises to be intense and deep, both of which I like. I like going intense and deep. Furthermore, what drew me to this particular healing program is that she uses Nature's Elements, ~ Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire as purification tools. There is no mention of diets and exercises, etc. This is total inner work, shamanic, soul recovery kind of program. I'm so excited.

I love this book. It has included all the ideas that I have embraced in my life as very normal and therefore it resonates with me at my deepest core. These ideas are:

1.  Everything is energy.
2.  Everything is in a constant state of change.
3.  Everything has consciousness.
Every gland, organ,, and cell in your body has an awareness with which you can communicate and even influence. This isn't new information; in ancient native cultures, interfacing with the body on a cellular level was considered a pathway to healing.
4.  The Soul and the Body loves the truth. 
When you tell the truth, your energy, vibrancy, and health increases. When you don't, you become depleted and your body suffers. Many people are exhausted, out of shape, overweight, or in poor health, because they're not being starkly honest with themselves. When you are authentic, your soul and body thrive.
5.  The Body as Your Oracle
Your body can be a powerful Oracle. The bodily sensations you experience upon asking a question regarding your health can offer you direct answers from your soul for your optimum health.
6.  Call Upon Spiritual Guidance.
Be willing to call upon your spiritual helpers, angels, ancestors, allies, and soul guardians for assistance. The results will be much more enlightening. Simply taking the time every day to ask for guidance and support will magnify everything you achieve. 
Today, there is so much to be grateful for. I have stopped lying to myself about my emotions, about how I feel about my life, my environment, about others, my choices, how I feel in this world - everything!! I have simply stopped fooling myself. I noticed when I began to do that -  when I began to question everything and everyone, a change was being initiated because I was inviting it into my life. People around me began to change as well according to the need of their consciousness. I encouraged them to speak their truth. Maybe what beliefs they held resonated with me or maybe not. That's not on the other person. I can receive someone else's truth only if I can accept my own. And that is where I am energetically at present, as I get ready to dive into this new beautiful space of inner healing and mystical changes. Change is constant. It will never stop. It is eternal.

Love, Peace & Everything In Between!
Lavina Olive Jain
