There are two kinds of everything in this world. Which world are you living in?

A Note to Me: No one can be YOU!

Image may contain: Lavina Olive Jain, sitting, glasses and indoor
"Be who you are and say what you feel
Because those who mind don't matter
And those who matter, don't mind."
~ Dr. Seuss

Most often when things don't go the way we wish for them to do so, we feel stuck, let down, foolish and even, angry. We usually have a system, a strategy to accomplish our heart's desires. To be fair, I think we pretty much have a strategy for everything. What's missing usually is spontaneity. We want something from the heart, but we rummage around in the mind. Every attempt to be authentic can be shut down by people who are the keepers of the world of illusion. They will dictate to you what is the "proper" thing to do. They will tell you what looks good and what does not. They will suggest (tell you) what you should express yourself about, and what you shouldn't. Censorship is the punishment for disobedience.

Why are we afraid to be Open-Hearted and Simple? Why do we need to cater to the whims and appetites of the world?  Why is our Self Worth so fragile? Why are we afraid to speak from our Hearts? The more "whys?" you have, the more you are moving off the beaten track of three-dimensional thought based living to a higher realm of thought. There are no right answers. There are only answers that make sense to YOU. As Dr. Seuss says: "No one can be Youer than YOU!" So cheer up. No one said it was going to be easy being You!!

"Today you are You that is truer than true.
There is no one alive who is Youer than You.
~ Dr. Seuss

I am often fascinated by how Life shows up for us every single day. What does it say about The One Who Is Accomplishing this? Everything and nothing because it is all in the imagination. There are two ways of looking at the world. 

To the undeveloped pair of human eyes, life looks chaotic. But Something From Somewhere knows exactly what It is doing. It doesn't need two human eyes to see Its own creation in expression.  Divinity is shown in art as a "One-Eyed Being" which means that Divinity is all about a pointed focus. At least that's what I think and who can refute me on this? Because I Am Me. Remember?

There are two kinds of everything in this world. Why should it be different for writing? There is restricted, shallow, mind writing, and there's the writing from the heart. Just that - Writing From The Heart. Even the title gives a sense of expansion and bigness.

The restricted shallow writing can be easily refuted because, in the realm of shallow writing, there are rules to comply with  - rules that dictate your smartness, cleverness, and skill, set in place by the realm. The Heart-based writing, on the other hand, is free, unafraid, spontaneous, not interested in rewards and rules, not interested in imposing itself on another with its ideas, and totally irreverent when it needs to be amongst other things. It only allows for Something Bigger than itself to do what It really needs to do as a person allows him/herself to be a conduit for heart-based living.

If you want Heart, you need that Something Bigger Than Yourself to immerse Itself in your life - to Breathe through you, to Feel through you, to Write through you and to Love through you because all that this Something Bigger Than Yourself wants to do, is to communicate with you at the most charming round table in the ethers, to engage in animated chatter, and to express Itself to and through You, Its Creation. And it is all done in the silence of your beating Heart.

What a life!

Peace, Joy & Everything In Between!
Lavina Olive Jain
