
Showing posts from June, 2019

My out-of-body experience - in the mirror! LOL :)

My Soul Note to 'Me': You Are Not What You See In the Mirror Not long ago, I had a "Soul Witnessing" moment. It was one of those days when my overweight body felt excessively big. The weather was killing me with its dry summer heat and every cell in my body felt like it was burning up.  On days like this, it is easy to change mood tracks from pleasant to extremely unpleasant in seconds. Over the years I have put on a good amount of weight. I am 60 years young. Though everything seems to be changing, there is also the slow metabolism thing that can become frustrating. Most days I can handle the changes, but some days they get to me. That day was one such day where I felt like I had an out-of-body experience - in the mirror!!! Standing in front of the mirror everything from head to toe seemed completely off and very unpleasant to my eyes. I began to feel bad - you know the kind of "bad" that feels depressed? Yeah, that kind. My mood started changing a

"And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." ~ Anais Nin

A Note to Me: Recovering My Soul. (Pt. 1) I have just recently started "A 28-Day Jump-Start Program for Radiant Health and Glorious Vitality" by Denise Linn. This program comes in her book titled "Unlock the Secret Messages of Your Body!" It promises to be intense and deep, both of which I like. I like going intense and deep. Furthermore, what drew me to this particular healing program is that she uses Nature's Elements, ~ Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire as purification tools. There is no mention of diets and exercises, etc. This is total inner work, shamanic, soul recovery kind of program. I'm so excited. I love this book. It has included all the ideas that I have embraced in my life as very normal and therefore it resonates with me at my deepest core. These ideas are: 1.  Everything is energy. 2.  Everything is in a constant state of change. 3.  Everything has consciousness. Every gland, organ,, and cell in your body has an awareness with wh

"Today one walks in gloom, downhearted and oppressed; tomorrow that same one is filled with joy."

A Note To Me: Everything is About Choice. I love my Soul. She is incredible. Staying consciously connected to Her is the desire of my heart because She is the link between me and everything else out there in the wilderness of the unknown Cosmos including Mother-Father  'G' (Mother-Father God).  Okay, so the "God" word seems to put off many people in the world. I have to say that's not a problem with me. In fact, I can never be done working on strengthening my personal relationship with God. So, yeah! the "God" word comes up matter-of-factly very often in the day. I am a total heart person. I wear my heart on my sleeves so to speak. I am transparent about all my deepest feelings to the point of embarrassment sometimes to the recipients of my love! So expect nothing less. Soul intimacy is essential. It's the marrow, the blood, bone, and strength of any relationship especially the ones that go beyond the mundane world. In this case, it is Mothe

There are two kinds of everything in this world. Which world are you living in?

A Note to Me: No one can be YOU! "Be who you are and say what you feel Because those who mind don't matter And those who matter, don't mind." ~ Dr. Seuss Most often when things don't go the way we wish for them to do so, we feel stuck, let down, foolish and even, angry. We usually have a system, a strategy to accomplish our heart's desires. To be fair, I think we pretty much have a strategy for everything. What's missing usually is spontaneity. We want something from the heart, but we rummage around in the mind. Every attempt to be authentic can be shut down by people who are the keepers of the world of illusion. They will dictate to you what is the "proper" thing to do. They will tell you what looks good and what does not. They will suggest (tell you) what you should express yourself about, and what you shouldn't. Censorship is the punishment for disobedience. Why are we afraid to be Open-Hearted and Simple? Why do we need

Mother is Here. She Never Left.

A Note to Me: Is God Present in the World? I  made a personal discovery. I intuitively received an answer to a question everyone on this planet, definitely including me, has asked at some time or the other in her/his life. It's a simple question often asked in a bewildering tone:  "Is God present in this world?" It seems like nobody actually expects an answer to such a question. "Isn't that obvious? Just look at the state of the world!!". You swear you can literally hear them screaming the answers in your head. They have the answer before you say another word. They are mentally psyching you out of any ability to give them a reasonable answer because God help them (and you!) if something just clicks in their brain and they come into a divine realization that will give them fresh new perspectives, they will not have Something or Someone to cast all of their anger and frustration on!! So they lament: If God is present, how can He allow so muc